Investing in time

Piteco high value added services

Piteco’s solutions perfectly meet the business requirements of our customers, also thanks to Consultancy and Customer Care services that make it possible to reach levels of excellence in the implementation of hundreds of projects carried out in the most recognised Italian and international corporations.

Customer Care

A team dedicated to the management of error and anomaly reporting: Piteco solves user issues and problems, guaranteeing certain answers with guaranteed and agreed timing.

Software Customization & Competence Center

Our customers’ personalisation and customisation requests are always taken into consideration: the Piteco Software Customising service provided by the Software Factory team translates the development needs and requirements expressed by our customers into IT language, so we can provide the most comprehensive functional response to specific business needs. We do this by relying on the specialised Treasury & Finance expertise of our Competence Centre, which is constantly committed to analysing and defining new high value added solutions and possible integrations with the product ranges of innovative players that are now offering complementary and integrative Treasury products.

Application Management

We maintain agreed and guaranteed service levels over time: the Piteco Application Management service provides workarounds that make it possible to resume activities quickly and develop an in-depth analysis of the reasons for application anomalies or shutdowns, guaranteeing users the utmost usability and availability of our solutions.