All of Piteco’s functions supporting liquidity management have been created based on its extensive experience in understanding every company Cash Management dynamic.
Cash & Liquidity Management
Piteco solutions incorporate all company dynamics revolving around Cash Management, so as to offer a full view of expected liquidity by account, financial counterparty, currency and country. Communication and integration with international banks make it possible to consolidate the Group Cash & Liquidity position
Forecast Quality
Piteco provides a full, knowledgeable view of finance forecasts by making Treasury data labelled as estimated, provisional or forecast available for automatic and manual use, so that liquidity manoeuvres and optimisation policies can be developed with a very high degree of accuracy.
Integration with source systems
The acquisition and transformation – for each individual flow – of administrative and accounting data into financial data is one of the distinctive features of Piteco solutions. They define automatic and selective Forecast vs Actual data reduction criteria, generating forecasts, acquiring and processing historical or statistical data and consolidating the Treasury forecasts of individual subsidiaries.
Bank Relationship Management
Every bank, corporate and Group expense can be verified through automatic controls of every single transaction and the verification of agreed bank conditions, guaranteeing that the Financial Position is always consistent with the bank account situation and updating Cash Flow projections in real time.
Single installation
A single installation – in On Premise or SAAS mode – and an optimal operating architecture make it possible to exploit the benefits of centralisation and obtain the real-time consolidation of multi-company positions and an immediate overview of the financial forecasts of associates and subsidiaries. When configuring the profile of each individual user, a precise Segregation of Duties (SoD) is obtained, with each flow tracked in complete security.